DigiPara® Find
for Elevator Manufacturers
DigiPara® Find for Elevator Manufacturers
One solution to cover your BIM Model needs!
- Just one upload process of your duty tables.
- 3D BIM elevator models are distributed via different channels
- Architects will always get your up-to-date 3D BIM model.
- Place your elevator right before the architect chooses another vendor!
Pre award phase:
>>The elevator supplier has not been selected yet!
Welcome the architect the way he wants!
DigiPara Find for BIMobject
The architect downloads your Revit family
- from your website
- from bimobject.com
- from any other BIM model platform
He uses the DigiPara Find Plugin to safely select a valid elevator configuration out of your duty tables.
DigiPara Find for Elevatorarchitect
The architect uses the free add-in for Autodesk Revit
- Architect can choose your elevator
- Safely selects from your duty table dimensions
- More than 25,000 installations at architects worldwide
Make sure you are listed, not just your competition
DigiPara Find Web Configurator
The architect will select an elevator on your company website
- A friendly user interface allows the architect to easily select from your duty tables
- Shows up your sales rep
- Download 2D drawings and BIM models using the DigiPara Liftdesigner Automation integration
How to handle the different BIM LOD Levels?
LOD 100, LOD 200: using Revit Families
In these early BIM phases architects want to get BIM models for design studies.
Lightweight Revit families are the right choice.
By using the DigiPara Find for BIMobject, architects can safely select valid dimensions from your duty tables and show in their building.
LOD 300 to LOD 500: using DigiPara Liftdesigner Automation
DigiPara Find can be combined with DigiPara Liftdesigner. These are your benefits:
- The detailed 3D elevator geometry is downloaded from your DigiPara Liftdesigner Automation server
- The 3D geometry is always up-to-date and valid for the particular building situation
- Architects can download 2D installation drawings at any time.
These are your technical advantages!
Always up-to-data duty tables
Load your duty tables only once. By using the DigiPara Find Datamanager it is possible to load a complete elevator series in a few days. The same tool is used to maintain your duty tables
Once loaded or changed it will be automatically updated on the different DigiPara Find cloud servers.
Keep Product Know-How in one place
Since the Revit family will be modified with the comfortable DigiPara Find configurator the elevator model is alwas valid.
There will be no need to put elevator know-how into the Revit family defintion.
Share Revit Families
You can share your Revit families to your architects. Make these families available on your website, on bimobject.com and any other BIM download site.
DigiPara Find will automatically update and transform these families, if the building or elevator situation requires that.
Preconfigured Revit-Families
We have Revit family definitions prepared for you that only need very small modifications. There is no need for you to develop new Revit families.
Web Plugin maintained by DigiPara
The DigiPara Find web plugin has a proven set of options that can be easily understood and answered by architects. This allows him to find the correct elevator dimensions, even in the important LOD 100 / LOD 200 phases.
- Apply your own CSS skin
- Maintained by DigiPara
- Technological always up-to-date
- Ensures your invest on long term.