DigiPara Liftdesigner Premium (monthly payment)
392.00 €
1 Month Subscription, 1 User License
Ideal for Elevator Manufacturers and Elevator Component Suppliers
1 Month Subscription, 1 User License* (What is that?)
ideal for Elevator Manufacturers and Elevator Component Suppliers
Premium Edition adds the following features:
- Maintain the BIM library using DigiPara Liftdatamanager
- Standardize elevator component design
- Share your BIM library with your team mates
- CAD Automation: Drive SolidWorks, Inventor and Creo CAD models
Simplify your CAD Models - Exports: DigiPara LDM12 BIM libraries, 3D DWG, STEP
- Imports: STEP and SAT, SolidWorks files, PTC Creo Files, Dassault Catia Files, Autodesk Inventor Files
Also contains all Standard features:
- BIM Properties for COBie, vdi 2552 and others
- Level of Information support (LOI)
- Level of Development support (LOD)
- Additional Tools for High- and Midrise elevators
- Cabin Configurator
- Predefined large set of Materials
- Photo Realistic 3D visualization
- Escalatordesigner: Common escalators, 12 Escalator Arrangements
- Exports: IFC 4.0 including BIM properties, RFA, LDBIM for Autodesk Revit
Also contains all Basic features:
- Any Shaft Size
- Perfect drawings
- Easily Swap Components
- Quickly change dimensions
- Large supplier library
- Elevator Groups
- Automatic dimensions
- Automate your elevator drawing from Excel
- Imports: 2D DWG, XLSX
- Exports: 2D DWG, 2D PDF, XLSX
Included Subscription Services:
- All software update
- BIM Supplier Library updates
*A DigiPara® Liftdesigner license is directly licensed to the client. Customer will receive an installation code for the dedicated computer per email (max. 2 codes/month for transferring the subscription to another computer).