DigiPara convinces as an expert in BIM and automation in the elevator industry

Ready to present our latest software solutions.

There were many excited visitors at our booth.

Relaxed atmosphere, not only among colleagues.

Great working together with our service team.

The best coffee at the fair, by our barista „Frau Marie“.

At Interlift 2019 in Augsburg, BIM experts from DigiPara presented their latest software solutions for elevator companies and component manufacturers.

Focus on BIM

To meet future customers needs, DigiPara has improved the BIM functionality of DigiPara® Liftdesigner 2020. New features allow to easily deliver the exact BIM model of the elevator which is needed by the architect.

LOI: predefined property sets like COBie and IFC4. can easily be added and completed on a a project basis.

LOD: DigiPara Liftdesigner comes with a predefined configuration sheet for each Level of Development (LOD). These are the typical LOD values 100,200,300,350,400 and 500.

IFC 4.0: DigiPara Liftdesigner now supports two different IFC exports: the legacy IFC 2.3 and IFC 4.0

IfcOpeningElement: The IFC 4 file also contains all required wall openings of your elevator.

Andreas Fleischmann, CEO DigiPara AG, presented today’s BIM tools for elevators in front of a large audience in the VFA Forum. He described current and future processes on the topic “From R&D to BIM in the elevator industry,” and also showed the benefits of the DigiPara Liftdesigner Cloud.

DigiPara Liftdesigner Cloud: a major opportunity for component manufacturers

Large industry players such as Schindler, thyssenkrupp and Otis use DigiPara software globally. Third-party components are often used during modernisation and in special constructions. Components that are on offer in the DigiPara Liftdesigner Cloud can be conveniently built into plans, which supports component sales.
The participation at the exhibition was rated very positive by the visitors as they could discuss their requirements with the DigiPara team. They could also benefit from a special trade fair offer.

Free trial version

Everybody has the chance to get a trial version and learn more about the software.

This short video with our Interlift presentation will help you getting started:


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