Awesome DigiPara Liftdesigner Cloud Training
DigiPara Liftdesigner Cloud – learn how to share your products!
We have just held our first DigiPara Liftdesigner Cloud Training. For this we spent 3 days in Hilton Cologne Hotel together with our guests from ALGI-Alfred Giehl GmbH & Co.KG, Meiller Aufzugtüren GmbH and Schindler Aufzüge AG. 2 more days took place in the office. Here our customers had the chance to join different breakout sessions.
After a short DigiParaLiftdesigner Basic Training Alexandra demonstrated how to load any 3D content into an elevator BIM model within DigiPara Liftdesigner 2018 CAD Automation and how to work with different LOD levels. The participants learned how to upload their products and reach 6,000 users worldwide without any effort!
One-time digitization, presence on multiple channels
The team from Schindler AG will benefit from the training in the near future.
The training week at DigiPara was really exciting and rich packed with a lot of information for us DigiPara Liftdesigner users from the Schindler company. The competent training manager Alexandra Göttert provided us with the necessary knowledge about elevator components within DigiPara Liftdesigner and how to make it available to our globally distributed users.
The simultaneous contact with some of our component suppliers was also very interesting. It has brought the component suppliers closer to us and it has shown the importance of being able to select and easily apply these components for us in the software. As a side effect, of course, we got to know each other better and after the demanding training days we enjoyed some great conversation in the evening. It would be great for us if all our suppliers provided their products in this way and if they could facilitate the access to these components. A big thank you to the company DigiPara for this great week.
Peter Fasnacht
Also the other guests were excited about the technical advantages. With just one 3D BIM model they will now be able to reach DigiPara Liftdesigner users via different channels with their up-to-date product data. Instead of spending time in sending STEP files to potential customers, our guests now can rely on the DigiPara Liftdesigner Cloud. Elevator planners, architects, manufacturers and elevator companies can directly load their suitable 3D BIM models and configure it to their needs.
Alexander Glas, Meiller Aufzugtüren GmbH: “Absolutely well-structured and coordinated training, which brings the topic to the first user as quickly as possible with regard to the basic usability. Even in the very varied framework program the DigiPara team convinced us by the open and sympathetic nature.”
Thanks to our guests for the fun time together in several breweries and ice hockey with the Kölner Haie (who won 6:3!)

Our guests from ALGI-Alfred Giehl GmbH & Co.KG and Meiller Aufzugtüren GmbH