DigiPara Liftdesigner 2017: Using a PTC Creo elevator railbracket and export to BIM
With DigiPara Liftdesigner Version 2017, DigiPara can now load 3D models from many popular CAD programs, as there are:
- from PTC Creo
- from Autodesk Inventor
- from Solidworks
There is a great video on Youtube that shows, how a railbracket, designed in PTC Creo is reused in a DigiPara Liftdesigner elevator model:
- load the PTC CReo railbracket file into DigiPara Liftdesigner
- Export the DigiPara Elevator BIM file
- the architect uses your elevator BIM model (shown within Autodesk Revit)
This is the Youtube link:
Any feedback is welcome.
Chinese users might video the same video on Youku.com