DigiPara Liftdesigner 2018 conference in Zaragoza


Recently we have spent a wonderful day in Zaragoza. Our partner INGENIERIA SAMAT organized a DigiPara Liftdesigner 2018 conference at the Colegio de Ingenieros Industriales Aragón and La Rioja. Within just a few weeks the team of INGENIERIA SAMAT planned and organized this great event together with DigiPara.

David Sánchez Mateo and the team of INGENIERIA SAMAT


Information material with the latest news of DigiPara Liftdesigner 2018 

Thanks to Sandra, the conference was perfectly organized.

From R&D to BIM

Andreas Fleischmann, CEO DigiPara AG, explained how to reach the perfect R&D BIM workflow in the elevator industry. For this he talked about todays typical BIM processes and how Engineering to order will be in the future - using DigiPara software. He also demonstrated how to load any 3D content into an elevator BIM model within DigiPara Liftdesigner 2018 CAD Automation and how to work with different LOD levels. In the end, he recommended every company to train a BIM expert.

Andreas Fleischmann, CEO at DigiPara, presented the topic "From R&D to BIM"

Andreas explained that CAD models from Creo or Solidworks can easily be loaded into DigiPara Liftdesigner.

Special developed BIM-LOD features allow to derive LOD 100 to LOD 500 models, almost automatically.This is important to protect Intellectual Properties, and to keep your technical know how out of the BIM models.

Support for LOD 100 to LOD 500 is one important feature to be "Ready for BIM" in the future.

In case the elevator design deviates from the standard, ETO (Engineering To Order) is required. For a perfect workflow it is important to avoid 2D operations.

DigiPara Liftdesigner 2018 has got several enhancements to avoid the need for 2D drafting, more or less to avoid Autocad use.

Loading the ETO design into the elevator project makes a complete 3D BIM Model always available.

DigiPara Liftdesigner 2018 CAD Automation Features

Pablo Benedí Bernad and David Sánchez Mateo demonstrated several new features of DigiPara Liftdesigner 2018. The participants could learn a lot about the different new editions.

Finally Ester Ruiz Figueroa and Pablo Benedí Bernad presented a typical case study in very quick steps.

There was a strong interest in the DigiPara Liftdesigner 2018 "Live" demo by Pablo

Client Project: DigiPara Liftdesigner at Braun Aufzüge, Germany

In January 2018 INGENIERIA SAMAT started with early beta versions of DigiPara Liftdesigner 2018 to implement a drawing automation at Braun Aufzüge in Germany.

Pablo Benedí Bernad and Ester Ruiz Figueroa implemented the new DigiPara Version and showed the great enhancements and speed improvements they could achieve.

They showed live results of automatic installation drawings and cabin design, all powered by Solidworks and DigiPara Liftdesigner 2018.

Pablo showed the new BIM simplification features of DigiPara Liftdesigner 2018

More than 40 participants were interested in our new DigiPara Liftdesigner features

Meet and greet

In the afternoon our guests had the chance to discuss about all new features and about BIM in the elevator industry with the experts of DigiPara and Samat. Several participants were interested in individual solutions and got a detailed consultation.

We all enjoyed the break in a relaxed atmosphere on the roof top of the building!

Thanks to our friends and customers from Schindler Group, ThyssenKrupp, Otis Elevator Co., FAIN ASCENSORES, MP Ascensores, FELESA, Omega Elevator, Inauxa Comercial S.A., BELTRAN ASCENSORES, Lifttechnik, SERVIATES, GMV EUROLIFT S.A, Eninter Ascensores, Hidraulica Lluis and Luezar to spending their time during that conference.