More than 800 configurations: Schindler 3300 Revit Families

Schindler BIM Elevators Certified Series within DigiPara® Elevatorarchitect

DigiPara® Elevatorarchitect for Autodesk® Revit® 2017-2023 offers architects the perfect BIM workflow. It professionally guides Autodesk® Revit® to the point of reaching an optimal 3D Revit model with the correct size and number of required elevators according to their location.

DigiPara® Elevatorarchitect efficiently supports the planning of flexible elevators in residential and office buildings. All Revit lift families of the Schindler 3300 series have been added as 3D BIM models. Approximatly 800 configurations have been certified by Schindler for DigiPara Elevatorarchitect and can be placed in the architect’s buildings. The families are available for free!

The standard parameters supplied by Schindler were completed automatically with the help of DigiPara Find Datamanager. Now the doors, shaft head and pit are fully configurable for all architects.

Fully configurable doors, shaft, head and pit.

Architects can choose this elevator series as 3D BIM via the free Revit-Addin. Once inserted it into the building model it can be easily adapted to individual requirements.

Fully configurable doors, shaft, head and pit.

Stylish elevators for residential and office buildings

Schindler 3300 scores with efficient use of space and low power consumption. The elevator is standardized and can be adapted to every building within a millimeter of accuracy. The combination of design and functionality meets the requirements of modern buildings. Flexible cabin sizes and door dimensions even allow the integration in high-rise entrance halls.

Choose the suitable elevator.

The elevator transports up to 15 people in buildings up to 20 floors. The Schindler 3300 certified series as 3D BIM for DigiPara Elevatorarchitect is available in Europe.


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Schindler BIM Elevators Certified Series.