Schindler TRD certifies Schindler 7000 elevator series for DigiPara Elevatorarchitect

During the recent weeks Schindler TRD (Top Range Division) added the ā€œSchindler 7000ā€ series to DigiPara Find. Approximately 200 typical configurations have been certified for DigiPara Elevatorarchitect. Zertified means, that the data have been verified by Schindler for their correctness.

Form now on more than 10,000 Elevatorarchitect users can easily use these models in their 3D building. Schindler 7000 are passenger elevators for tall buildings (high rise) up to 500 meter travel. This elevatr type is extremely quick; up to 10 m/ second.

Below please find the link to a video that shows you how that works:


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